FALSE! The effect that a short sale can have on your credit score can vary
considerably depending on your starting credit score; amount of payments
missed; and how the short sale is reported by the bank to the credit
agencies. But a short sale is always considered better than a foreclosure
on your record.
A short sale shows future lenders that you acted in a "responsible" manner
and "sold" your home for as much as the current market would allow and
"settled" your debt rather than just walking away.
The lender makes the final decision of how to report your short sale on
your credit report. The lender either reports it as "paid in full" (the best
way to report) or "paid as settled." If it is reported as "paid as settled"
the effect on your credit score can range from 'no effect' … 'very slightly'
… or many points deducted. There is no hard and fast answer to that as
different credit agencies have different regulations.
If you allow your home to be foreclosed, then it is reported as
"foreclosed" which is a VERY negative statement on a credit report.
It shows both a lack of responsibility and your score will take a huge
Your account has not
been "settled." There are laws in some states
(such as California)
that protect a homeowner from a deficiency judgment
on a "home purchase
money loan" after foreclosure. But, there is nothing
to protect you from a
future lawsuit brought about by the bank and investors for any second
mortgage or equity line that you may have on
the property. This MUST
be negotiated with them in advance of
foreclosure; short sale;
or deed in lieu (where you give the banker your
deed and walk away),
which is also very bad on your credit report
A homeowner who loses a
home because of a foreclosure is ineligible for a loan backed by Fannie
Mae for 5 years, however if the homeowner sells
their home by means of a
short sale they will be eligible for such a loan
in only 2 years. An
investor who allows his property to foreclose will have
to wait 7 years for an
investment mortgage but if he had his realtor
successfully negotiate a
short sale then he could acquire a new investment
mortgage in only 2 years
A foreclosure will lower your credit score between 250-400 points and will
affect your credit for 3 years or more. Often times with a short sale it is
only the late payments that will show and after the sale it will be reported
as either paid or settled and may not lower it at all or may only lower it as
little as 50 points. The affect of a short sale on your credit may only last for
12-18 months.
A foreclosure will remain as a public record on your credit history for 10
years or more but a short sale is NOT reported on your credit history, and
that makes a BIG difference!
FALSE! This may have
been true in the past, but today the key phrase is hardship. Certainly
being behind in payments is the most common type of hardship. But
hardship could also be caused by job loss, death in the family, divorce,
adjustable rate mortgage hike, loss of property value (especially in
places like California).
Here is important information to know if your mortgage is "upside down":
Waiting Periods to Buy After Foreclosure
* Buying After a Foreclosure
The waiting period is 5 years up to 7 years.
* Buying After a Foreclosure with Extenuating Circumstances
The waiting period is 3 years up to 7 years.
* Buying After a Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure
The waiting period is 4 years up to 7 years.
* Buying After a Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure with Extenuating Circumstances
The waiting period is 2 years up to 7 years.
* Buying After a Short Sale
The waiting period
may be as short as 2 years! However, if a seller does not have a 60-day
late pay, that seller may immediately buy another home. It's a reason
to stay current on your payments while the home is on the market as a
short sale.
FALSE! A mortgage short
sale beats foreclosure both from the homeowner's viewpoint and from the
perspective of a mortgage lender. If you cannot pay on a mortgage, the
bank would rather get partial payment of the mortgage, and not get your
house back.
They can in fact deal
with getting your house back because they are set up for it. But when
they get a house back they must add it to their already bulging
inventory. They must insure it. They have to fix it up. They have to
put it on the market and sell it. They are selling into the same
terrible market that you are facing
But, a mortgage short sale helps the lender get partial payment on your mortgage and avoids getting your house.
Let's recap what a
short sale is. It's when you sell your house for less than the
mortgage. The lender approves the sale and the lender collects the
proceeds from the buyer, whatever is left at closing after paying
closing costs and real estate broker commissions and so forth. The
mortgage lender releases the mortgage so the transaction can close.
The mortgage company
now has a financial loss. They may pursue you for that financial loss,
which they can sometimes do through a civil court proceeding. Sometimes
they cannot pursue you at all because state law prevents them from
doing so. And sometimes you can negotiate with the home loan lender
before the short sale goes through, and they will agree in writing not
to come after you for their financial losses.
But be that as it
may, the question we are addressing is how you can do a short sale if
you have a second mortgage and not just a first mortgage?
What people forget is
that even if they do a sale of their house, the loans go with the house
so if they deed their house to someone else, the loans stay in place. A
sale of a house does not affect the loans on that house.
The reason a short
sale works is that the lender agrees to release their claim on the house
at the closing table. So the new buyer can get the house free from
your crushing mortgage. But if you have two mortgages the short sale is
much more complicated. The buyer will want to be free of both your
first and second mortgage.
That makes it twice as complicated.
Because if the first
mortgage lender agrees to a short sale, that isn't enough. The house
will be sold and still have a second mortgage on it.
A foreclosure sale,
on the other hand, wipes out all the loans on the property. The lender
who forecloses may get the property back through their "credit bid".
That is, if nobody bids higher than the balance on the loan including
all delinquent payments and fees, the lender gets the house back. If
someone bids higher, they will get the house.
Either way, all the junior loans are
extinguished in the foreclosure sale. A foreclosure sale results in a
transfer of title through a trustee's deed or sheriff's deed. A
trustee's deed or sheriff's deed transfers title to either the lender,
or the high bidder if there is a party that outbids the lender. And with
that foreclosure deed, the junior loans are wiped out. So junior loans
are not an issue in a foreclosure and in fact a lot of houses go
through foreclosure in order to wipe out the junior loans.
But what if you
want to avoid foreclosure through a short sale process, in order to help
your credit and the lender" And what if you have junior loans"
There is a way to do it. Actually three ways.
Is the second
mortgage a piggyback loan? Sometimes the lenders who made the first
mortgage also made the second. Maybe they can allocate the short sale
proceeds to release both loans.
Or, you may be able
to buy out the second. They are in a position where they will get
nothing at this point. If you can offer them a nickel on the dollar of
debt, or a dime, maybe they will take it. That assumes you have a bit
of cash. But it may not take much. After all they are already prepared
to be wiped out. If you do a deal like this, make sure you get the
arrangement in writing including how they will report to the credit
bureaus (you want to avoid foreclosure appearing there) and also that
they will not go after you any more -- this is full payment of the
second mortgage and forever wipes clean that debt.
And there is a third option for most folks who do not have cash to buy out the second mortgage.
This third option is
doing a deal with the second mortgage holder: They will release the
second mortgage in order to allow the short sale to go through. In
return, you will sign a note for a percentage of that loan.
Such a note is a
personal loan, an unsecured loan, and would be dischargable in
bankruptcy. But if you can manage the payments this is a good outcome
for all concerned compared to the alternatives. Remember that if they
get wiped out, the second mortgage holder can still come after you in
civil court but by signing a note you make it cheaper for them and
either way, something is better than nothing.
These three options
are the best ones to consider if you want to do a short sale and avoid
foreclosure, but have a second mortgage on the property. I would always
recommend you consult a good lawyer or CPA to help you. |
FALSE! There are two
reasons, one direct and other indirect, that a deed in lieu of
foreclosure are better on homeowners' credit reports than having a full
foreclosure. The deed in lieu is only one step better than the
foreclosure, so it won't do much to improve the credit score. All it
will do is prevent the worst of the damage that foreclosure can cause.
The direct reason that deed
in lieu can have a positive effect on homeowner' credit is that it
shows the owners did something to save the home before the lawsuit had
proceeded to the end and the property was sold at a public auction. The
bank accepts the deed in lieu as payment in full of the defaulted
mortgage, but they can only do this if the homeowners offer the deed in
the first place. So even offering to give the property back to the bank
shows that the owners took a proactive step in solving the problem.
This shows other lenders
that, although the homeowners fell into a hardship and defaulted on
their mortgage, they recognized they could not keep the house and
offered to give the collateral back to the bank without a fight or going
through a lengthy legal process.
Obviously, this is only
convenient to the mortgage company, but it indicates to other creditors
that the owners are more likely to take responsibility when they fall
behind on a loan.
The second reason that
the deed in lieu is better for the credit report is that it can end the
foreclosure process several months before it would be completed
When the bank accepts the
house back, the mortgage is satisfied in full and the owners no longer
have legal title to the house. This means that they are no longer
responsible for paying the mortgage.
How this helps the
homeowners is that they will end the foreclosure process before
experiencing a few more late mortgage payments. The fewer late payments
they show on their credit report, the better it will look. Numerous
missed payments leading up to a full foreclosure is obviously the worst
possible scenario. The deed in lieu ends this trend by giving the house
back to the bank before it is auctioned off, and so ends the string of
late mortgage payments.
The deed in lieu is not the
best option to save a house from foreclosure, and doesn't do a whole lot
to improve the homeowners' credit. It's main benefit is that it is a
last-ditch effort when no other options are available, and it can help
prevent some of the worst damage of the foreclosure appearing on the
credit report. If selling or a short sale can be done, they can often
present much better results for the long-term financial health of the
homeowners than a deed in lieu of foreclosure. |
False! The same possible tax consequences exist even if you let them foreclose or do a deed in lieu of foreclosure. The only thing that matters to Uncle Sam and IRS is whether or not the amount of the unpaid debt qualifies for relief under the IRS guidelines.
According to the IRS section 61(a)(12), lenders are required to report the unpaid debt amount on a form 1099-c to the IRS. You would need to discuss with your tax professional whether in your particular financial situation you qualify for tax forgiveness guidelines from the IRS. Many people do in fact qualify for debt tax forgiveness under the "Mortgage forgiveness act of 2008" for acquisition money consisting of purchase money, home building money and improvement money.
Often times debt tax can also be forgiven under the rules of insolvency, used often when the homeowner does not qualify under the acquisition money rule but when the homeowner's liabilities exceed the fair market value of the home. Only a tax professional can give you accurate and up-to-date advice on these matters. Everyone's situation is different and the information presented here is merely a very general guide.
Do not use this page as personal tax advice. Always consult with a tax professional and/or attorney specializing in these matters before you make final decisions. Meanwhile some good reading on the subject can be found at:
http://taxesabout.com/od/income/ss/mortgage_cancel _5.html
Two very useful publications for mortgage debt tax relief qualifications can be ordered for free by phone from the IRS that better explain these tax rules at:
Mortgage relief for acquisition debt tax: IRS publication form 982
Insolvency and the laws about tax relief from it: IRS Publication form 908
False! Short sales and loan modifications are very separate from each other.
Whether you should favor a loan modification over a short sale depends, in part, on the following:
**Your financial situation
**The willingness of the bank
**Your desire to keep your home
It becomes further
complicated if the bank refuses to consider the present market value of
your home. If you truly want to stay in your home, regardless of its
value, then a loan modification might be the better option.
Terms of a Loan Modification
The goal of a loan
modification is to reduce a homeowner's mortgage payment and make that
payment affordable. This is accomplished by implementing one or more of
the following:
**Lowering the interest rate
**Extending the term of the loan
**Adding unpaid interest to the principal balance
**Reducing the principal balance
The Office of the
Controller of the Currency (OCC), which regulates national banks,
released a report in October of 2009 that showed less than 10% of all
loan modifications reduced the principal balance. Perhaps more
disturbing is the news that more than 50% of the loan modifications
granted in the first quarter of 2008 were delinquent again by the first
quarter of 2009.
Loan Modifications May Result in an Increased Payment
This may sound bizarre to
you and contrary to how a loan modification is supposed to work, but
not every bank will offer a loan modification that lowers a homeowner's
mortgage payment. Some banks will offer a loan modification that
increases the payment.
Bank use ratios, often
capping out at 38% of gross monthly income, to determine a new mortgage
payment. If the financial statement warrants, the bank may ask for
higher payment.
Temporary Loan Modifications
Be aware that some banks
are offering a temporary loan modification. This means a bank will not
agree to make a permanent loan modification but may instead offer the
following conditions:
**The principal balance remains the same.
**Homeowners are asked to make a new reduced payment.
**The term for the new payment is set for 3 to 6 months.
The implication is if the
homeowner makes the new payments on time during the temporary loan
modification term limit, the bank may grant a permanent loan
However, at the end of
the term, the bank is also free to say: "Thank you, very much, for
giving us some money, but your loan is now in default." And the bank
could proceed to foreclose! This is a "tricky maneuver" by the bank.
Banks Do Not Process Short Sales Simultaneously With a Loan Modification
Most banks will not open
two files at the same time. You will need to decide in advance whether
you want to pursue a loan modification or a short sale. You should
chase one or the other.
A bank will close out a
pending short sale transaction if the homeowner later decides to try for
a loan modification. The length of time to process a short sale versus a
loan modification is about the same. Some loan modifications take 3 to 6
months to conclude.
It is unfair to a buyer
who has submitted a good faith offer on a short sale and agreed to wait
for short sale approval to discover that the sellers have had second
thoughts and now want to do a loan modification in the middle of the
short sale.
Why Might a Short Sale Be Preferred Over a Loan Modification?
Homeowners who would
prefer to get out from underwater may prefer to do a short sale
in-lieu-of a loan modification. A short sale means the bank will accept a
reduced payoff and release the loan. If your home is worth
dramatically less than the amount owed, it might make more sense to do a
short sale and be relieved of the burdened debt.
Here are other factors consider:
After 2 to 3 years of maintaining
credit, if prices remain stable, homeowners may qualify to buy another
home with a mortgage and a payment that is affordable.
Both a loan modification and a short sale may affect credit. But either solution is generally better than a foreclosure. |
What do you get out of a short sale?
- Retain some dignity in knowing that you sold your home.
- You won't suffer the social stigma of the "F" word: foreclosure.
- No mortgage payments to make, unless you choose to make them.
- You can meet the new owners.
- You will be eligible, under Fannie Mae guidelines, to buy another home in 2 years instead of 5 to 7 years.
If your credit report does not
reflect a 60-day+ late pay, under Fannie Mae guidelines, you will be
eligible to buy another home immediately.
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